Teacher's Notes: Dino Gets Sick

Getting sick is a topic everyone is familiar with, and it brings up many things to talk about. First, teach the word 'sick' by acting it out and providing examples. Then, ask them if they get sick. "Do you get sick? What do you do when you are sick? Do you stay home? Do you go to the doctor? Do you go to school? Do you sleep? What do you eat? What do you drink? Do you watch TV? Do you like being sick? Do you like not going to school? Do you like the doctor?"

Give many examples of "What's wrong?" If you see someone that looks sick, you might say, "What's wrong?" If you see someone that looks sad, you might say "What's wrong?" Moms ask their children what's wrong, and teachers ask their students what's wrong. You might ask your friend what's wrong if she looks sad or worried.

Make funny lists of things you eat or don't eat when you're sick. Ask the class, "When you're sick, do you eat chocolate cake? Do you eat McDonalds? Do you eat soup?" Do the same for things you drink or don't drink, and activities you do or don't do. Make them laugh. ("Do you go on a roller coaster?")

After you have gone over all the words with many examples and pictures or visual aids, read the story together. Talk about the pictures, and give them words for things they see in the pictures.

There are many vocab words you can supplement this lesson with, such as types of sicknesses (cough, cold, headache, etc.), medicine, and doctor's visit words (shot, of course!), or you can keep it simple, depending on your students.

New Words

What's wrong?
Don't worry
orange juice

Words to Review:


Match the words to the pictures: (Left-hand picture first, going across) sick, weekend, pillow, sleep, bed, blanket, eat, orange juice, music.
Sentences: (Left-hand picture first, going across) 3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 8, 7, 5.

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